Maybe one of the most unique animals to be found in the Galápagos Islands, is the Marine Iguana. The reason it is so unique, is that it has ability to dive down, up to 10 meters (30 feet), just to forage sea weeds and algae off the ocean floor. No other modern lizard has these marine abilities. They are found in great abundance in the Galápagos archipelago, though still vulnerable to environmental and human impacts. You'll often see them warming their cold-blooded bodies after a dive in the cooler sea waters on hot, black lava rocks which litter the shoreline of almost every island.

Seeing species as unique as this in great abundance is one of the most incredible feelings of being on the Galápagos islands. Not every visitor necessarily shares this viewpoint, however:

"The black Lava rocks on the beach are frequented by large (2-3 ft), disgusting clumsy Lizards. They are as black as the porous rocks over which they crawl & seek their prey from the Sea. I call them 'imps of darkness'. They assuredly well become the land they inhabit."
~ Charles Darwin

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