Author: Gregor Snell        

I am a traveller who lives for the moment and dreams of the future.  I am one who relishes in the experience. I smile and laugh, cry and bleed. The people I meet are everything to me. I want to share with them, to listen, to be a small insignificant part of their beautiful life. Am I selfish? Do I expect too much?

The greatest part of travel is the people you meet and the friendships you create.  This is something that will never get old, never tire, no matter what your age, what your story, the world awaits and the people are there to hear you. So speak if you will, or hold your tongue and just wait. But consider the fact that the world is always in motion, so don’t get caught standing still.

A road which winds and curves is not unlike that of a life lived. We all have ups and downs no matter what.  We have all felt loss, guilt, greed, love. Something that is beautiful to my eye may revolt you, but we can still work to find a commonality in a cause.  I love travel for the patience, the compromise, the acceptance of another’s culture, habits, needs, addictions.  The road is long and hard but its rewards are endless and fruitful beyond that of which these words try merely to describe.

I do not believe there needs to be a reason for why some people travel.  We are seemingly looking for an excuse, something to tell people when they ask, “so why did you come here?”  I would love to say one day, “I came here to meet you.”  Local interaction and international conversations are something that is becoming increasingly clear to me. This is why I travel.

Am I ever content? Will I ever be content? At this point in my life the answer is simply ‘no.’ Do I know what it is I strive for?  Haha, no, I have no idea.

I am a traveller who lives for the moment and dreams of the future.
2/14/2012 01:58:22 am

I don't know if it was random coincidence but have to say I was surprised to coincidentally find myself on this blog and then see that you'd written this post. Awesome, I always see your FB photos but nice to see the writing too.
ps. Don't know if you remember but we met briefly in Toronto over a beer when I was couch surfing with Dan


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