Taking a break from the usual photo-stream, I've decided to participate in an initiative which the travel blog BootsnAll has created. Starting November 1, they launched a project called 30 Days of Indie Travel. They’re inviting bloggers from around the world (including you!) to join us in a daily blogging effort reflecting on our past travel experiences.  Each day, they'll post a new prompt on BootsnAll articles. Bloggers can follow the prompts as strictly or loosely as they like, interpreting them in various ways and responding via text, photos or video posted on their own blogs.

Today's theme: Embracing Change
Change can be exciting and bring new joys into our lives. But it can present challenges that frustrate or annoy us. How has travel changed you in the last year? Did you welcome these changes or resist them at the time, and how do you feel about them now?
Loving life with friends in Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina
As mentioned in my previous entry, Goals, everything in my life has changed over the past year. From my employment of 6 years ending, to my housing situation changing, from a long term relationship ending, to a new interest currently budding. To try and communicate some of these life changes in to how it affected my travels, many of these changes were all happening simultaneously in conjunction with some of my travels. Antarctica was peaceful - it cleared my mind, in a meditative state it allowed me to reconnect with nature, the Earth and it's raw energy. Argentina was life - from food, to dance, to architecture and music, everything was built out of passion. That was good for my body, and for my heart. India, as always, allows one to explore spirituality on different levels. Be it getting in tune with nature, people, or just finding peace within your self, this seems to be something inherent with travelling to India. For me, it was the soul I was able to reconnect with - always a welcome change of character. 

Those trips just happened to coincide with some of the biggest changes in my recent life, so to that respect all the changes happening during these trips were welcomed - changes of mind, body and soul. 

I think now, however, is a time when I am fully at peace. I am about to embark on a new journey, one which will bring MUCH change. Much more than any of the aforementioned trips. Again, as mentioned in yesterday's Goals post, I am about to leave for Thailand to Volunteer with a small NGO, Penny's for Papa Foundation. With this,  will be undergoing changes I can't even fathom yet. All these changes will be welcomed. Of course, I expect some of them to be challenging, but the whole reason for doing this is for a change - in my own life, and to create positive change for those I'm helping. 

Stay tuned for updates about these changes right here!

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